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It Was A Very Good Year

Dans le style de

Frank Sinatra


when i was seventeen
it was
a very good year

it was
a very good year
for small-town girls
and soft
summer nights

we'd hide
from the lights
on the village green
when i was seventeen

when i was twenty-one
it was
a very good year

it was
a very good year
for city girls
who lived up the stair

with all that
perfumed hair
and it came undone
when i was twenty-one

when i was thirty-five
it was
a very good year

it was
a very good year
for blue-blooded
of independent means

we'd ride in limousines
their chauffeurs
would drive
when i was thirty-five

but now
the days are short
i'm in the autumn
of the year

and now i think
of my life
as vintage wine
from fine old kegs

from the brim
to the dregs
it poured
sweet and clear
it was
a very good year


  • Dur�e : 4:25
  • Tonalit� : Dm
  • Genre : Standards
  • Ann�e de lancement : 1965
  • Langue : Anglais

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Autres chansons dans le style de Frank Sinatra